Proven home remedies for cough in adults and children By Hakeem Safdar Phalia SAfdar Herbal Tubd

Proven home remedies for cough in adults and children By Hakeem Safdar Phalia SAfdar Herbal Tubd
 As the weather changes, the elderly, including children and adults, appear to be surrounded by viral illnesses, the most common of which is whooping cough. It's much easier now.

According to herbalists, the nutritious ingredients in every home kitchen are very useful for the treatment of cough. Flax seeds, fenugreek seeds and clonji are very useful for the treatment of cough. It is also possible to get rid of belly fat quickly.

According to experts, the use of coffee made from these three ingredients not only relieves cough but also protects against many other seasonal diseases.

How to make coffee with fenugreek seeds, flax seeds and cloves seeds:

To get rid of phlegm or dry cough, take one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, one tablespoon of linseed and one-fourth tablespoon of clonji.

Now add these three ingredients in 3 cups of hot water and cook for a maximum of 4 minutes, then turn off the stove and when it is semi-hot, take a sip of this coffee and save it.

Use this coffee twice a day (semi-warm), this coffee can be filtered and stored in the refrigerator for one to two days.

The use of this coffee, which is recommended by the experts, can help in relieving all types of cough and also preventing the severity of cold.


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